Receiving a Delivery

Receiving deliveries is made simple with Safe Food Pro, by logging suppliers and then filling delivery form on your tablet

In this Article

Adding Suppliers

To log your deliveries you need to add your suppliers first:

  1. Log in to the Web Console
  2. Click the Green plus button
  3. Select either a Single supplier or bulk upload supplier
  4. Fill out the supplier's information 
  5. Save. Once this is completed your delivery forms should be ready to go
Note: Here's some more information on Adding Suppliers

Filling out Delivery Forms

  1. Go to your Safe Food Pro App on the Mobile/Tablet 
  2. Click on the Green Plus Button
  3. Search for the Receiving a Delivery form
  4. Select the form and fill out the delivery details.
  5. When you click on 'Supplier name' you can select one of your previously entered suppliers from the drop-down
  6. Save the form once completed

Scheduling Delivery form to Daily

We set the Receiving a Delivery form to Ad Hoc by default, given the unpredictable nature of deliveries throughout the day. Consider scheduling it as Daily if you want to remind your staff regularly to complete the Delivery form.

Prompt your team to complete Deliveries by scheduling to Daily

You can schedule the form to show up Daily so it comes up as a part of your Daily checklists on the app. This means they can fill in the form once per day. 

  1. Go to Forms on the Web console 
  2. Click the Pencil icon next to Receiving a Delivery 
  3. Change the Form Schedule to Daily from None

Set up your form to allow for multiple deliveries in a day 

If you receive multiple deliveries in one day, then you will need to make this form into a Repeating Section. This will allow you to log multiple deliveries as they arrive throughout the day. 

  1. Follow the Steps above
  2. Scroll down to Form Design 
  3. Add a Section Header (drag it so it shows up at the top of the form)
  4. Enter the text Receiving a Delivery
  5. Click the toggle Allow multiple answers (this makes everything below the Section Header a Repeatable section, so your staff can fill in the form and repeat it again and again)

You can only have questions in a repeating section, so you need to make sure you find the Instruction Text (number 9/10), and drag it to the top so it displays above the Section Header. Once you do that you can SAVE. 

Set up your form to allow for days you didn't receive deliveries 

If you don't receive deliveries every day, but you would like it to still show up on the Daily checklists, then you can use a Conditional Section

  1. Go to Forms
  2. Click the Pencil icon next to Receiving a Delivery
  3. Change the Form Schedule to Daily from None
  4. Scroll down to Form Design
  5. Add a Conditional Section (drag it so it shows up at the top of the form)
  6. Enter the text Receiving a Delivery
  7. Click the toggle Allow multiple answers (this makes everything below the Section Header a repeatable section, so your staff can fill in the form and repeat it again and again)
  8. Ensure you move the instruction text up to the top as explained above 
  9. Add a New question in the form with the answer type time 
  10. SAVE

Adding a new question with the answer type  time allows the form to save if no questions have been answered. What this will do is if you don't have deliveries that day your staff can sign off the form using their pin number without answering any of the questions. If you did get deliveries, a yes tick box will be there, they can click that to start completing the form. 

Viewing Completed Delivery Forms

Now that you have completed your delivery forms you can view them both on the app and in your administration console.

Viewing on the App: 

  1. Go to the Menu
  2. Click Saved Forms
  3. Search for Receiving a Delivery or filter the category by Deliveries
  4. If you need to edit past delivery forms you can select the preferred form and edit it. Don't forget to click 'Save' when you are finished! 

Viewing on Administration Console

  1. Log into Web console
  2. Click Reports from the Menu
  3. Go to Forms Reports
  4. Change the Date Range in the top right corner 
  5. Find the Receiving a Delivery form

You can view each individual report by clicking on the view icon on the far right. 

Note: You can also view completed delivery forms on the administration console by going to the 'Completed Forms' page in the reports page. This shows all of your completed forms in your Safe Food Pro. 

Managing Delivery Issues

Had an issue with your Delivery? You can set up a form for returning Incoming Goods and set it up that once it's completed it automatically sends to the Supplier selected.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when creating this form: 

  • Add an Instruction Text box or a couple of Section Headers with your Store Name and Address on it. That way the Supplier knows who the Form is from. 
  • Make sure you have the required questions in this form, otherwise as soon as you save the form it will be sent to the supplier. 

Note: Need help making this form? Safe Food Pro Support may have some tips that can help you. Email us at

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