Viewing & Exporting Completed Forms

The Completed Forms page is a list of all of your completed forms in your account

This is one of the Reporting tools you can use in Safe Food Pro. This gives you a breakdown of every individual form that has been completed. Here you can filter to view forms that are completed by a specific person, saved as a draft or even search for a specific answer across all of your completed forms in the selected date range. 

In this Article

Access the Completed Forms page by: 

  1. Go to Reports 
  2. Click Completed Forms 
  3. Select the date range in the top right corner (choose from LAST 7 DAYS, THIS WEEK, THIS MONTH, CUSTOM) 
  4. Click the view icon to open an individual form 

Note: Print and email completed forms by clicking the print or mail icon in the top corner of the completed form 

Filtering Completed Forms 

Quickly find the form you need by filtering by the name, user, date and more! Here are the different ways to filter your Completed Forms - remember to set your date range first: 

  1. Search for Completed forms | type keywords in here to find the form you need 
  2. Filter by Heading | click the heading titles to filter the answer date, form type, meta-tag etc. in alphabetical order 
  3. Filter by Form Type | looking for all temperature check forms? Narrow down your search here 

Time Stamp in Forms

Previously, every question on a form would display a date and time stamp along with the name of the person who completed it. However, we have now made this feature optional, giving you more control over how you use our platform. 

You will be able to:

  1. You can toggle this feature on or off across all forms for your user in 'My Business'.
  2. You also have the ability to toggle this feature on a per-form basis.

Advanced Search 

Search for a specific answer or question in your forms using Advanced Search. Need to investigate your cooking/cooling forms that use Chicken? Want to search for a specific incident? this is the perfect tool!

  1. Select the correct date range this form to suit your search 
  2. Click Advanced Search 
  3. Type in your keyword or answer in the Search Questions and Answers section 
  4. Click search or hit enter 
  5. This will bring up all form in the date range that have this as their answer or question 
  6. Use the filter bar to narrow your search down further 
  7. Click the eye icon to open the form you need 

Note: Want to learn more about Reporting in Safe Food Pro? Check out this article here: Reporting in Safe Food Pro 

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