Why am I locked out of Saved Forms?

Need to access a saved form in Safe Food Pro app? If it asks for a PIN, it's because we protect employee privacy by restricting access to confidential forms.

The forms with Restricted Access are: 

  • Incident Forms.
  • Staff Sickness Forms.
  • Training Forms.

To have access to these you have to be set up as either: 

  • Administrator.
  • Manager.
  • Tablet (Manager).
  • The person who completed the form will also have access.

To Access these forms: 

  1. Log in to the Safe Food Pro App.
  2. Go to Saved Forms.
  3. Click the Restricted form you want to view/edit.
  4. Enter your PIN.
  5. Done

Note: If you still can't get in, you'll need to double-check what user role you have been set up with.

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