Turning off a Form Completely

Your forms have been given to you based on your Food Control Plan. You can't delete forms, but you can turn them off

Turning a form off completely means that you won't access the form from the Mobile/Tablet. This feature works perfectly if you want to turn forms off that are Safe Food Pro default forms or forms that have been made at the Group Level. 

In this Article

Turning Forms Off:

  1. Log in to Web Console
  2. Go to Forms
  3. Click the Pencil icon to open the form editor
  4. Open the "Form Settings" tab
  5. Change the Form Schedule to None.
  6. Turn the Ad Hoc Toggle OFF, so the Toggle is Grey
  7. SAVE

The form will then disappear from the form list, and will not be accessible from the mobile app.

Filter to Show Unused Forms

You can filter your forms page to show or hide your unused forms, that way once they are turned off you hide them from your view completely. Simply  click the show unused forms tick box to hide or reveal your turned-off forms. 

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