Creating a Quiz

A Quiz is a great way of testing whether your staff has an understanding of the training they have been given.

In this Article

Creating a quiz is similar to creating a Custom Form, however, you only have two question types to choose from.

Create a Quiz Video 

Create a Quiz

  1. When you start a new form ensure you tick the box "This form is to used as a quiz" 
  2. Fill in the form details 
  3. Click on the add question icon
  4. Type in your question
  5. Add a suitable prompt e.g. Choose the correct answer
  6. Select from answer types - Yes/No or Multi-choice
  7. You will then be asked to choose the correct answer
  8. All quiz questions are set as "Required"

Completing a Quiz

A quiz can only be an Ad Hoc form, to find these forms: 

  1. Click the Green Plus button on the App
  2. Find the Quiz
  3. Complete the Quiz
  4. Once completed you will get your Quiz score with the correct/incorrect answers

Viewing a Completed Quiz

You can also view the Quiz straight from the Staff Profile: 

  1. Go to Staff
  2. Click the Pencil Icon to view a Staff Member
  3. You will see all the quizzes they have completed
  4. Click the eye icon to view each quiz

Note: The score can be seen by hovering over the blue "Action note" icon. You can see which questions were answered incorrectly by viewing the form.

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