Group Administration Role in Safe Food Pro

If you own a group of companies, the team at Safe Food Pro have set up a Group Administrator Role. With this you can view each company without requiring a separate login for each Organisation. 

When a Group Administrator logs into the web client they see a 'cut-down' version of the Web Administration console, where they can see a list of Organisations (or Sites) in their group. The Group menu shows:

  • Organisations.
  • Forms (group).
  • Suppliers (group).
  • Resources (group).

A Group Administrator can create forms, resources, suppliers and equipment for a Group.  They can create and delete Organisations in their Group.  For each organisation they can view the form completion statistics (today's % form completion and this months % form completion) and the Organisations dashboard. 

Group Admin Web Console

If the Group Admin clicks on the pencil icon they can see the Organisation detail and the current dashboard for the Organisation.

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