Using Attributions - displaying links at the start of a form

Need to Reference a specific Resource your Form was based on? Or a Specific Training Video/Article that relates to your Form. You can use Form Attributes! 

When building a Custom Form you can add an Attribution when creating a custom form, you can include an attribution - a URL that links to a specific resource at the beginning of the form.

This can be used to: 

  1. Show what your form is based on or its original source e.g. if it is based on a food safety form you can link the original form as an Attribute. 
  2. Make a Training Quiz based on a Video e.g. link the video as an Attribution, then make the quiz based on it. 

Setting up an Attribution

Attribution can be added to a custom form. 

  1. Log in to the Web Console (Computer Log in).
  2. Go to Forms.
  3. Either edit a Custom Form or add a new Custom Form.
  4. Add a URL Link in the Attribution at the top of the form.
  5. Add the rest of the Form Contents, SAVE.

Viewing your Attribution from the App 

  1. Log in to the Mobile App.
  2. Go to your Custom Form.
  3. Click on the link at the top (this is your Attribution).
  4. This will open up the link you wanted to refer to.

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