Messaging in Safe Food Pro

The messaging feature in Safe Food Pro allows you to share important information and tasks with your Users/Staff

Creating a Message/Action from your Administration Console

  1. Log into your Web Console.
  2. Click the Message Icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click on the drop-down Create a New Message/ Action.
  4. Type your Message
  5. You also have the Option to attach an Ad-hoc Form, Resource
  6. Click the drop-down under 'Send to' to choose recipients.  You can choose to either send it to everyone or to a specific user. 
  7. Click on the 'Message' icon to read messages from your Safe Food Pro account. Depending on your settings, you may receive push notifications on your mobile device or web browser.

Note: When sending an 'Action', the receiver of the 'Action' defaults to yourself. You can then change that by clicking on the drop-down and selecting 'Everyone' or a specific User.

Receiving a Message/Action

A red dot on the 'Message' icon indicates an unread message on your mobile or tablet. You can receive push notifications or check the Message page for new messages.

To sort your messages you can click the toggle in the top right corner. When you click it only 'Actions' will be shown, when you click again all messages will be shown. 

Once you have read the message you can click the tick next to it to 'Mark as Read' if you click the tick next to an alert you can 'Mark as Complete' (which would then be shown on the Action Report). Once the message has been read it will stay in the list but the tick will be greyed out as shown below: 

You can also receive a push notification on your Mobile/ Tablet. 

Deleting Messages and Actions

You can only delete messages and actions from the Administration Console, you can't delete them from the Mobile/Tablet. To delete a message you just click the 'Bin' icon on the right. If you delete a message/action then it will be deleted from ALL users. 

Note: Actions and Messages are shown for two weeks - older messages are not displayed.

Sending a Message from the Mobile/Tablet

  1. Login to Safe Food Pro on your Mobile/Tablet.
  2. Click the 'Message' Icon in the top right corner, alternatively, you can find messages in the Menu.
  3. Click the 'Green Plus' Button to create a new message.
  4. From a Mobile/Tablet you can only send a text 'Message' and it is sent to everyone. Messages sent from the Mobile/ Tablet can't have attachments. 

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